He is in charge of filling my car with gas. Men love cars. Cars need gas. MY car needs gas.
He is in charge of lawn care. When I was in college, the city I lived in
allowed you to work for them for two summers.
I was in the “Lawn and Garden” Department one of my years. I mowed grass (using both riding and push
mowers) five days a week, eight hours a day for three months. That was enough grass cutting for my lifetime. I will never, ever cut grass again as long as
I live. If Angry quits, I will just live with
that ensuing jungle.
He is in charge of snow removal. I hate cold and snow (and exercise in
general). That’s all he (and you) needs to know.
He is in charge of making lunches. I cook dinner. I do all the dishes that can’t go into the
dishwasher (a job that I hate despise).
His comparable job is to make our “brown bag” lunches for work. I think he got the easier job (and, I want a raise!).
He is in charge of taking the garbage out. This is a man’s job. Women should not have to deal with disgusting
bags of garbage. My rules only, but he
has to follow them (so says me).
He is in charge of carrying any heavy bags. This means grocery bags as well as shopping bags at
the mall. I drag him with me to the mall
just so he can handle the bags of shoes I accumulate. Men are strong; they should carry the heavy
stuff even if it’s my shoes.
He is in charge of matching his own socks. I do all the laundry. I fold everything. He can putz with putting together all the
totally similar white socks that he wears.
Problem is, he tends to keep the ones with holes in them. I need to re-train him to throw those away!