Thursday, April 5, 2012

Missing in action!

I'm not sure how many "regular" readers I actually have but I just want to say that I'm sorry I've been MIA recently.

  1. I'm swamped at work like you wouldn't believe.
  2. I go to the gym pretty much every night after work.  When I get home, I eat dinner and go to bed.
That leaves no time to blog!!  While I realize that I should be worried about YOU and not me, I just can't drag my computer out at night and type.

I'm hoping work will slow down a bit and I can entertain you with some stories soon!!

Meanwhile, stay happy.  As Aristotle said, "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence."


Vegas Linda Lou said...

I know how you feel! I try to maintain a consistent blogging schedule, but sometimes you have to live life rather than write about it.

Don't work too hard, and for God's sake, make sure you take some time to enjoy a nice cold beer! XOXO

Liz said...

Beer? Did someone say beer? You bet I squeeze time in for that! HA! Maybe I should be writing while drinking? Hmmm. . .

linda said...

I am thinking the same thing. Work, exercise and other things robs me of my blogging and creative time.

I have not commented on a blog for AGES. I remember I used to blog every day. Now it is once a week. Oh, well, better than nought.

Liz said...

I feel the same way Linda. I have lots of idea to blog about but seem to lack the time (and energy sometimes). I'm a bad comment person too. I read fun blogs like yours and feel like I don't have the time to type out a response. I'm going to try to do better!